A. Active Membership
Any USA-domiciled nurse from Ghana or with roots in Ghana and in good professional standing who has a valid license to practice nursing is eligible to become an active member. To be an active member in good standing, the annual membership dues must be paid.
B. Student Membership
Any Ghanaian rooted nursing student currently enrolled in an accredited nursing program- is eligible to become a student member.
C. Dues
Dues shall be paid annually according to the following categories of membership: One hundred dollars ($100) for Active Membership.
The Board of Trustees shall determine the annual dues for each category of membership of the association. The Chapter Treasurer shall notify members who fail to pay their dues within a period specified for each category of membership by the Board of Trustees. If payment is not made within a grace period specified by the Board of Trustees, without further notice and without hearing, the delinquent members shall be dropped from the Association rolls and thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership including but not limited to the right to hold office, the right to vote in elections, the privileges of member discounts, and eligibility for member only promotions. The Board of Trustees may establish procedures for extending the time for payment of dues and continuation of membership privileges upon request of a member showing good cause.
D. General Meeting
The National Association shall meet at least once during the year at times set by the Board of Trustees. This meeting shall be known as NAGNF Annual General Meeting.
Article II. Board of Trustees
A. Composition
The Board of Trustees shall be composed of Ten (10) members and shall include the following: The President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, National Coordinator, Immediate Past President (ex-officio member) and four (4) at-large members. The sitting president of NAGNF shall be the Chairman of the Board. At-large members of the Board of Trustees shall include: the four (4) founding members of NAGNF. No ex-officio member shall have voting privileges. The Board of Trustees may designate additional ex-officio members on an annual basis by a majority vote of the Board.
B. Eligibility
Members of the Board of Trustees shall be licensed nurses who practice or reside in the USA. Members of the Board of Trustees must maintain their NAGNF membership during their tenure.
C. Terms of Office
Elected officers of the Association shall normally hold office for a period of two (2) years up to a total period of service not exceed four (4) years. Special elections would be held to replace an elected official who resigns, and this election must be held within one (1) month after the resignation(s).
D. Meetings of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall have regular meetings throughout the year, including a meeting during the Annual General Meeting. The Board shall meet upon call of the President at such times and places that may be designated and shall be called to meet upon demand of a majority of the Board. Notice of all meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be communicated at least ten (10) days in advance of such meetings.
E. Quorum
A majority of the whole board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board. The president will cast the deciding vote in a case of a tie vote.
F. Absences
If a member of the Board of Trustees is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings for reasons, which the Board has declared to be insufficient by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board of Trustees, and if the trustee is given reasonable prior notice of the potential removal, resignation shall be deemed tendered and accepted.
1. Compensation
Trustees shall not receive compensation for their services as trustees, but the board may, by resolution, authorize reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. Nothing herein shall preclude a trustee from serving the association in any other capacity and receiving compensation for such services.
2. Resignation or removal
Any trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President or to the Board of Trustees. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein, or if no time is specified, at the time of acceptance thereof as determined by the President of the Board. Any trustee may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board of Trustees. The trustee shall be given reasonable prior notice of the potential removal and the reasons for removal.
3. Vacancies
Any trustee vacancy that may occur on the board by reason of death, resignation, or removal shall be filled by a majority vote of all remaining members of the board for the unexpired term.
Article III. Officers
A. Installation
Each officer shall take office upon installation and shall assume the duties of his or her office and shall serve for the stated term of office or until the successor is duly elected and installed.
B. Vacancies
Except for vacancies in the position of President, which shall be filled by the Vice President vacancies in all other offices shall be filled for the balance of the term thereof by an individual elected by a majority vote of the entire Board of Trustees.
C. President
President shall be the head of the organization. He/she shall designate someone to organize programs and association meetings, shall supervise and assemble the affairs of the executive committee to preside at each meeting. He/she shall also moderate all meetings with the help of the general secretary. He or she shall perform all duties incident to his or her office and such other duties as may be required by the organization, bylaws. The President shall submit a report at the annual meeting of the association.
D. Vice President (who shall be the President-elect)
The Vice President shall be the President-elect, and in the event of the temporary disability or absence of the President and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, shall assume and perform the duties of President until the President is able to resume such duties. The Vice President will assist the president in his/her duties. The vice president will also work closely with the organizing secretary to lead association members on special projects and assist with social activities and charitable events.
The Vice President shall have such duties as the President and the Board of Trustees may assign.
E. General Secretary
General Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of executive board decisions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all association meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained. General Secretary will also ensure that all documentation (i.e. flyers, notices, presentations) needed for an event, meetings and activities are provided to the responsible party.
F. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall ensure the maintenance of an account of all monies received, invested, and expended by the Association; shall oversee disbursements authorized by the Board of Trustees; and shall make a report at the annual meeting or when called upon by the President. All sums received shall be deposited in institutions approved by the Board of Trustees. Funds may be drawn only upon the signature of the Treasurer and one of the individuals approved by the Board of Trustees. The funds, books, and vouchers and the Treasurer's control shall be at all times subject to the verification and inspection by the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer shall ensure that an audit of the books by an accounting firm approved by the Board of Trustees be performed on an annual basis and also upon a significant change of association staff. The Treasurer shall ensure that all required tax returns and other governmental requirements be performed in a timely manner. The Treasurer shall chair the Budget and Finance Committee, which is responsible for drafting an annual budget to present to the Board of Trustees and to monitor investments to ensure compliance with the Investment Policy Statement of the Association.
G. Organizing Secretary/Programs Coordinator
The Organizing Secretary/Programs Coordinator shall be the coordinator for all social activities and events, and special projects for the association. Shall be the liaison between association and other charitable organizations and provide information, resources or fundraising contributions to their cause. Shall serve as the publicity coordinator for the association.
Article IV. Election Process
1. Election of officers of the association shall be held every two (2) years at the annual general meeting.
2. Candidates for election must be nominated and seconded by members in good standing.
3. Officers of the association would normally hold office for a period of two (2) years but may be eligible for re-election to the same position provided that the total period of service does not exceed four (4) years. Voting shall be by secret ballot.
4. Special elections would be held to replace an official who resigns and this election must be held within one (1) month after the resignation(s).
5. A vote of the association members shall be initiated within seven (7) days after the nominations. The nominee for each position receiving the highest vote shall be declared duly elected. In the event of a tie vote, a supplemental ballot election shall be held.
Article V. Committees
1. The Board of Trustees shall create both standing and ad-hoc committees. Committees shall be established by a majority vote of the board of Trustees.
2. The membership of committees shall consist of a chairperson, and other persons who indicate interest in serving on the committee.